Marco Oliveira won Pitch & Putt

Gross winner was Romeu Gonçalves and Nicholas Cordeiro was the Júnior winner at 28 august 2022, at Balaia

President Cup won by Romeu Gonçalves

With 38 points at Victoria, 20th august 2022

End Season Tournament was at 02 July at Pinhal

Prizes were delivered to all players

Pitch & Putt won by Pedro Fernandes

He made 29 points at Stableford Net at Balaia, 26th june 2022

Summer School starts at July

Start 06th July, 10h00am, at Dom Pedro Millennium

Pitch & Putt won by Nicholas Cordeiro

This player was the Winnet at Net with 42 points at game played 29th may 2022 at Balaia



loule concelho


Junta freguesia quarteira

S Sebastião


Junta freguesia quarteira



Dom jose