3rd Cashback Tournament at Oporto

Vítor Lopes was 2nd

vitor grande

Vítor Lopes won the 2nd place in the 3rd Circuit Cashback World Tournament, which took place on 05 and 06 May in the Oporto field. Pedro Cruz Silva of Miramar was the winner with 204 strokes, less two than Vítor Lopes.

Audi Absolut National Championship

Days 26 till 29 April at Ribagolf I, at Benavente

vitor grande

Vitor Lopes was the Vice Champion in the Audi Absolute National Championship that took place, from April 26 to 29, 2018, at the Ribagolfe I, in Benavente. The champion was Pedro Lencart, of the Miramar club that made 292 strokes (75-72-72-73) and with four more strokes (73-72-75-76), Vítor Lopes finished in second place. The Ladie Champion was Leonor Bessa with 293 strokes (73-73-69-78) from Miramar.

2nd Tournament Drive Tour - Youth National Championship

Was played at Ribagolf I and II, days 14 and 15 April

grande 2drivetour abril2018 ingles

The 2nd Tournament Drive Tour - Youth National Championship was played at 14th and 15th April, at Campo Ribagolfe I and II, at Benavente where the results indicated below were obtained.

Vice-Champions in Sub18 at Clubs National Championship

3rd place in Sub14

geral camnacjovenssub18 abril2018

The Vilamoura team is the Vice Champion of the Clubs National Championship at Under 18  that took place from April 03 to 05, at the Santo Estevão field at Benavente. Also the team of Under14 was well ranked in 3rd place. In both categories the winning teams are from the Miramar club in this tournament that celebrated two decades of existence.

2nd Cashback Tournament at Ribagolfe I

Vitor Lopes was at 2nd place

grande viseu 2015 vitor lopes

Vitor Lopes was 2nd place, with 141 strokes (70 + 71), in the 2nd Cashback Circuit Tournament held on 17 and 18 March at the Ribagolfe I field in Benavente. In first place was Pedro Lencart Silva, from Miramar with 138 strokes (70 + 68).

88th International Amateur Portugal Championship - Vítor Lopes categorical champion

CG Vilamoura and national team player led from the first to the last round at Montado

grande vitor lopes int portugal 2018

CG Vilamoura and national team player led from the first to the last round at the Montado and won with three strokes of advantage over the competition



loule concelho


Junta freguesia quarteira

S Sebastião


Junta freguesia quarteira



Dom jose